1.8:Leaving Without Saying Hello
Episode Notes
Content Warnings: gun violence, deception, fighting.
Nora, Val, Scott and Wheeler pay Beyond Pharmaceuticals a visit.
The 12:37 is a Queer Sci-Fi audio drama created and written by Alma Roda-Gil. Keep up with us at our website or on Twitter. If you like what we do, you can support us on Patreon. A transcript for this episode is available here.
This episode featured voice work from Nancy Ashcroft, Harry Whittaker, Niall Carey, Kirsty Woolven, Lucille Valentine and Alma Roda-Gil, with additional voice work from Julia Schifini. Our artwork is by Lucinda Livingstone. Our theme tune and soundtrack are by Jennifer Doveton.
This episode featured 'Jet-Fueled Vixen' by Kevin MacLeod.
This episode also used the following sound effects from freesound.org: metal.gate.closing.wav by andriala Fight - fighting men by vedas POWER06.WAV by mad-monkey Kurzschluss.wav by Donalfonso Metal Stairs Foot Steps by sagamusix Elevator door opening and closing, elevator asc... by tsbertalan Swiping ATM Card 2.wav by engreitz RG Wall Punch.wav by cmusounddesign crash.aif by pauliep83 Kicking a door by pfranzen Ball Catching .wav by TOMPARSONS Newsdesk.wav by jobro Industrial Garage Door Storage Gate Open.wav by captainvince pulling out a sword or knife and putting it back by JoeDoe22 Ambience, Machine Factory, A.wav by InspectorJ General Atmosphere of Metal Fabrication Workshop by iankath controlroom.wav by Diboz Inside the machine 1.wav by digitalperformer 16capads.wav by lerwickdj Windy Transition.wav by pcruzn Flashback/transition by Minecast atmosphere 4.wav by ERH Vinyl rewind by TasmanianPower 200 pounds stepping on a glass object.aif by Tomlija Electric Crackle Ticking by Headphaze PANElFySFXFuzzSwirl11.wav by PureAudioNinja CHAINDOORSQUEAKOPEN001.wav by JoelAudio Door falls to floor.wav by CastIronCarousel hands on phone noise.mp3 by samijoslapaho morseattackiLLCommunicationssuonho.wav by suonho Thunder, Very Close, No Rain, C.wav by InspectorJ Rain, Moderate, A.wav by InspectorJ bpcycle.mp3 by nofeedbak Footsteps in the desert by Diegolar foleyfootstepsdesertboots_sand.wav by pan14 Desert at Night by kangaroovindaloo Light wooshes by florianreichelt