1.7:Source Point
Episode Notes
Content Warnings: implied sexual content, mild violence.
Nora and Val attempt to sort out their relationship; elsewhere on board, a rift in time and space opens.
The 12:37 is a Queer Sci-Fi audio drama created and written by Alma Roda-Gil. Keep up with us at our website or on Twitter. If you like what we do, you can support us on Patreon. A transcript for this episode is available here.
This episode featured voice work from Nancy Ashcroft, Niall Carey, Harry Whittaker, Lucille Valentine and Alma Roda-Gil, with guest appearances from Kate Youmans and Josh Rubino. Our artwork is by Lucinda Livingstone. Our theme tune and soundtrack are by Jennifer Doveton.
This episode featured 'Floating cities' by Kevin MacLeod.
This episode used the following sound effects from freesound.org: Door Slam.MP3 by FunWithSound, Hard Punch to Gut (No Effects Only Mixing) by EFlexMusic, PUNCH-BOXING-03.wav by newagesoup Vinyl start crackle 1 by lulyc steps in high heels.wav by anagar office busy stock exchange reverberant behind g... by kyles Sliding Noise V2.wav by cbenci Basements, general ambiance with metalic clanki... by Martin.Sadoux electricsparks.mp3 by Connum stun.wav by RunnerPack Pulse laser.wav by HuvaaKoodia Power Down by noirenex JacobsLadderSingle2.flac by Halleck Electric Zap - Electricity by Wakerone asseoirchaise3.wav by MaxDemianAGL Key noises.wav by sKydran sfx: doorknob twist release by chromakei Footsteps on concrete by florianreichelt Seaside-Town-Atmos Ambience Atmosphere by NLM Whoosh by qubodup Digital Alarm Loop.wav by bbrocer Knock on the door by HunteR4708 Zipper04.wav by sound_ims Thick Bed Cover Sheet Blanket Ruffle (16-44.1).wav by cmorris035 Pillow Foley by ChazzRavenelle 24.Push.wav by miguelab1998 Stumble and Fall.wav by danhelbling body falling down by launemax skin-02.wav by martian train ambience by vlatko blazek