Obelisks, Mastica Ennui and The Sport of Love: Fakahatchee Radio News
It's 7:32 pm and time for a quick update of all the news that might be affecting you right here in Fakahatchee, FL.
- Tonight: Horseradish Levels continue to plummet
- 'Mastica Ennui' spreading. Cause discovered?
- Chuchi Bonhomme's Earth Day Celebration!
- A new product from Elon Musk?
- 100% More Obelisks
For more local news visit the FakahatcheeGazette.com
Let's hear from you, Fakahatchee!
@nightdrivefm on Twitter
and on instagram @nightdrivefminsta
Special thank you to Casey Redmon and Ron Babcock.