14: Journey From a Broke Mindset to a MultiMillionaire's Mindset with My WIFE! Lori Harder

Lori Harder, also my beautiful wife, is a leading expert in the field of fitness, transformational work, mindfulness, and self-love. As a self-made millionaire, successful entrepreneur, network marketing professional, author, cover model, and three-time fitness world champion, she offers a carefully curated set of practical tools to promote sustainable health, spiritual well-being, and financial freedom.

Through her books, unique coaching methods and programs, she has helped countless people connect with their soul, transform their bodies, empower their minds, gain financial independence, and fall in love with themselves and their lives. Throughout her career, Lori has regularly appeared on the covers of and published articles for Oxygen Magazine, STRONG Fitness Magazine, Health & Fitness Magazine and Prosper Magazine. She has also been featured on NBC, Fox, and TLC networks.

For those of you who may not know Lori’s past or how it all began for her, I have the honor of sharing my wife’s story with you today. Having a “money mindset” may not come naturally to everyone, but that doesn’t mean you can’t ever create it.

“My success hasn't always been like this and I know it’s something I will continue to work on for the rest of my life because I know that once you hit one level, there is a whole other level out there that you need to strive for.” -Lori Harder

Growing up, Lori was raised in a very conservative household. At a young age she was told, “Money is the root of all evil and you only need to make enough to survive. Anything more than that is evil and greedy.” With the constant battle in her head between money isn’t good vs. how does the world go ‘round without it, can you see how that would create a whirlwind for a young child just trying to “make it?”

Having two very different views on the subject when we first met, Lori’s money mindset began to shift after we started to spend more time with each other.

“It was refreshing to see that you and your family thought of money as just a thing that created awesome experiences. It was something you looked forward to and were proud of yourself for earning.”

Even though Lori still had the belief that money equaled greed, she still wanted to create a better life for herself – so she made it her mission to incorporate both beliefs. Why not make money, sufficient enough to live well and financially stress free, while still giving back and be of great service to others? DING DING (light bulb goes off)!

“Money doesn’t make you greedy, I believe that it just highlights more of who you already are. It will just amplify how you were already showing up in the world.”

Moving out to the West Coast, for us, put success and wealth in a whole other category. The entrepreneur mindset and the “shameless” money personalities out here, makes the opportunities endless. There is no cap or ceiling. If you have the passion and the heart to create something and make money off it then the world is your stage! (WELCOME TO HOLLYWOOD!)

I know from experience that Lori is NOT the only person to come from a family who has fearful thoughts around money. Whether you think you don’t deserve to have a lot of it, or that it’s evil, or you end up spending it faster than you truly earn it, whatever it may be, my wife and I are here today to break through some of those tough beliefs and to “give you permission” if you will, to take control of your own life and finances. Hard work should always be recognized and rewarded. You will forever be blessed if you think big and share your gifts.

In This Episode You Will Hear About:

  • Finances
  • Business
  • Wealth
  • Success
  • Abundance
  • Gratitude
  • Giving
  • Money
  • Mindset
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Worth
  • Survival

Resources Mentioned:

  • Earn Your Happy Podcast
  • loriharder.com
  • Instagram @Loriharder

For more stories and tips on becoming unapologetically wealthy, follow me @Chriswharder on Instagram and check out www.fortheloveofmoney.com.

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