EP001 - Double 11 Singles Day, Same Store Sales data, Personalization, Holiday, Money2020
Episode 1 covers singles day, the personalization paradox, Channel Advisor same store sales report (SSS), holiday promotions trends, and digital wallet news.
11.11 Day http://www.alizila.com/alibabas-shopping-festival-rakes-in-14-3-billion/
Forrester digital business forum https://www.forrester.com/DIGITAL+BUSINESS+2015/-/E-EVE6702
Channel Advisor SSS - http://www.channeladvisor.com/blog/?pn=scot/holiday-2015-same-store-sales-first-week-of-november-results
Money2020 - http://www.money2020.com/
ShopTalk - http://www.shoptalk.com/
Scot Wingo, Founder & Executive Chairman Channel Advisor
Jason "Retailgeek" Goldberg, SVP Commerce & Content at Razorfish