Everyday Buddhism 76 - Losing My Hair: Alopecia, An Uninvited Teacher
In this episode, I share my journey into baldness caused by Alopecia Areata. September is Alopecia Awareness month, so I'm happy to share this episode now.
No matter what our hair looks like or changes to, we are never satisfied. Hair seems one of the most prominent marks of our self. We seem uniquely attached to our hair as self.
My hair loss first started in mid-December 2021, then paused and seemed to start growing back, then in April it was on a steady downward trend. And by July, I began to make peace with the fact that I was losing so much hair there wasn't much of a point in trying to hide it, so I shaved it all off.
This was a process of working to accept things as they are, called Arugamama, from Morita Therapy in Japanese Psychology.
Listen to this episode to see how I've come to accept my new bald self.
Book, Diamond Sutra by Red Pine, mentioned in this podcast:
The Diamond Sutra - Translation & Commentary by Red Pine
My book, mentioned in this podcast: Everyday Buddhism: Real-Life Buddhist Teachings & Practices For Real Change
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