0004: Sandra Pearson-Adams - Training International Level Instructors, Through Serious Foundational Training and Ongoing Training of the Horse & Rider

Training International Level Instructors, Through Serious Foundational Training and Ongoing Training of the Horse and Rider


About Sandra Pearson-Adams
- Sandra has had a lifetime of horses. From working all day cleaning up horse droppings for a payment to ride bareback taking ponies out to the field, to riding, competing and training instructors at the highest level all over the world.


Favourite Inspirational Quote
- Hurry Slowly


Who Has Inspired and Influenced
- Sandra is continually influenced by everyone she teaches and every horse she rides. She thinks of her Akhal-Teke stallion and Arabians as teaching her to negotiate and riding with brain rather than brawn.


About This Episode
Spa speaks about her early days with horses, her early career and riding a Lipizzaner stallion in displays when she was 19, building an Equestrian Centre with her husband and moving her family across the world to a new country.


Time Stamps and Contact Details for this Episode are available on 






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