#22 - Dr. Aysha Akhtar - The Impact of Factory Farming and Animal Testing on Human Health
This week's episode features Dr. Aysha Akhtar. Aysha Akhtar, M.D., M.P.H., is a double Board-certified neurologist and preventive medicine/public health specialist and she is demonstrating how there is a mutual benefit to both humans and animals when animals are cared for. She is the author of the upcoming book, Our Symphony With Animals. On Health, Empathy, and Our Shared Destinies. The book can be purchased here. Dr. Akhtar's website can be found here.
Sorry for the poor audio at some portions! I explain why it happened in the intro...
Water usage calculator can be found at https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/freshwater/water-conservation-tips/.
Information can found at Ag-gag laws can be found at https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/03/the-ag-gag-laws-hiding-factory-farm-abuses-from-public-scrutiny/254674/.
The amount of water used in industry and agriculture can be found at https://waterfootprint.org/en/resources/waterstat/product-water-footprint-statistics/.
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The State of the Universe is an accessible science and social podcast hosted by Astrophysicist Brendan Drachler. Listen to Brendan and other renowned members of society discuss and explain cutting edge research and profound ideas.