Benefits of Integrative Medicine with Dr. Jason Kelberman
Dr. Jason Kelberman of is the owner and founder of the Westside Wellness Center, a holistic center for education, nonsurgical treatment and prevention programs, in Los Angeles, Ca. Dr. Kelberman is board certified in integrative medicine, placing an emphasis on the triad of health – Physical, Chemical and Mental. Transcript Click here to view the full transcript for #8 The Benefits of Integrative Medicine with Dr. Jason Kelberman. His clinic specializes in the drugless management of metabolic disorders like Diabetes and Peripheral Neuropathy. Their treatments are designed to eliminate acute or chronic pain as fast as possible. His team utilizes blood and urine analysis, lifestyle changes, nutritional therapies, chiropractic care, physical therapy modalities, acupuncture without needles and exercise rehabilitation. In this episode: Integrative/functional medicine, Benefits of seeing an integrative medical practitioner, Natural Neuropathy Treatment, Natural Diabetes Treatment, Personalized Supplementation. If you’re enjoying the Live to 110 podcast, please leave Wendy a review in iTunes. Thanks!
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