124 - Get your Team Out in Front of You
Every entrepreneur I work with dreams of being able to call their shots, tell people where they are going, and then have their team lead the way there. Unfortunately very few entrepreneurs actually have a team that can lead the way they're going because on most entrepreneurs’ teams, don't know where they are going.
Instead, on a daily basis team members come in and work on as much as they possibly can hoping to do the right thing and move the business forward. Overtime, the ambiguity of what they are responsible for will wear on them and break them down. Great team members can become good team members and can then become a challenge.
There's a better way.
When a team is provided with a forward-looking planning system, they can anticipate what is needed next. If you are ready to create a world changing organization, this is not something that is nice to have, a forward planning system is a requirement.