16 - Your Baby is Brilliant, Not Broken
Brilliance is under attack. It is alarming how many of my clients have shared they have been told something is wrong with their child. This isn't something people like to talk about and most of the time I am the only person they've told. There is a shame in having a child that has something wrong with them. We hide, don't discuss it, and may not even tell them. This is making the problem even worse because it makes each parent who hears this feel like they are alone. The number of children being diagnosed with disorders, disabilities, and cognitive issues is growing at double digits per year. We are missing clear cause-and-effect. Over the past 40 years schools have limited or eliminated movement, done away with self-direction, and have created almost an exclusive focus on standardization. Children like us have a fraction of the awareness, understanding of the world, and perspective that adults have and we ask them to endure the constraint of sitting in a classroom all day without moving. We spent 18 years telling children to sit down, pay attention, and be quiet and we wonder why so many children are having trouble thriving.