Making Your TEDx Talk Memorable with Orlaith Carmody - 013
“I say have the confidence to nudge the people awake with stories, wit and insight.”
– Orlaith Carmody
A brilliant trainer, that speaks all over the world, and works with some of the most influential people in Ireland, Orlaith Carmody has a wealth of experience around TEDx and speaking generally. In this show, we get the low down on how to make any talk you do linger in the memories of your audience.
What you’ll learn:
- Tips for getting your TEDx talk.
- The do’s and don’ts of an engaging presentation
- The role of an effective MC
- Why you need to know the difference between oral, aural and the written word as a Speaker.
- Why you shouldn’t give your audience information.
- Why you shouldn’t rely on learned memory to deliver your talk.
Orlaith Carmody TEDx – Find a Customer Not a Job
Orlaith Carmody TEDx – Give Your Family the World
Sarah Archer TEDx - What Does it Mean to be Authentic
Connect with Orlaith - @OrlaithCarmody
Perform as a Leader by Orlaith Carmody
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