The Wedding Speech with Andy Merryweather - 010
Andy Merryweather is an extremely talented piano player and singer, who is also practically a professional best man. He’s been given the honour of being Groomsman for five and a third weddings so far. His wedding speeches have plenty of wow moments, and he shares some of the details, plus his best tips if you’re asked to do a wedding speech. He also has a knack for getting influencers and celebrities to do things for him and he shares how he makes the magic happen!
What you’ll learn:
- Andy’s 10 top tips for wedding speeches
- How to relax yourself and get a first laugh from your audience
- How to build social capital and make big things happen
- How to approach starting your wedding speech (or any speech)
- Ideas for wowing the wedding party
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See you next time.
Cracking Speech Mate – How to use humour to make you an amazing speaker
Andy’s Wedding Videos
The first dance celebrity surprise + the 'if i had time' song
Tom Baxter – pre wedding song practice with Andy
Where to find Andy and Hamiljam:
Instagram and Twitter - @amerryweather10
@HamilJam on Instagram
@TheHamilJam on Twitter