1: S2E01 – “Screams and Whispers” – The Simply Scary Podcast
They say that sometimes the most frightening things are those that you cannot see. And from our horrifying experiences, you’ve become very familiar with how effective unsettling sounds can be. You know how a deep rumbling unsettles your tummy and your soul; how an almost silent whisper blowing by your ear sends your courage deep into hiding; how both the scurrying of claws on a hard surface and the bellowing of a demonic entity turn the spine to jelly. So for our opening episode of the second season of The Simply Scary Podcast, we devote our exploration to both ends of the audio spectrum, both “Screams and Whispers." See full episode details, including credits and more information about the featured authors and performers, here: http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/episodes/s2/2x01 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices