Widening the Aperture in Venture Capital: A Conversation about Expanding Diversity & Inclusion in Silicon Valley and Beyond
The data tell the story: Less than 1% of venture capital in the United States is invested in companies led by Black entrepreneurs. Add "female" as a data filter and it drops to 0.2%. Amid reckoning with legacies of racial injustice, we wanted to examine how a lack of representation in the startup ecosystem hinders access to capital for diverse founders. Brown Advisory’s Keith Stone sits down with three thought leaders in the venture industry—Charles Hudson, Richard Kerby and Monique Woodard—to explore paths to a growth economy where an expanded set of innovators and ideas can thrive.
- Charles Hudson, Founder & Managing Partner, Precursor Ventures
- Monique Woodard, Founder, Cake Ventures
- Richard Kerby, Co-founder & General Partner, Equal Ventures
Keith Stone, CAIA
Private Equity Analyst, Brown Advisory
Background Reading:
- A VC’s Guide to Investing in Black Founders, Harvard Business Review, June 19, 2020
- Precursor Ventures’ Charles Hudson on ‘the conversation no one has during an upmarket’, TechCrunch (subscription), April 24, 2020
- The Black Founder List, February 28, 2020
- Cities Using Capital to Build More Inclusive Ecosystems, November 6, 2019
- Where Black Female Founders Can Find Funding, Resources, and More, September 22, 2019
- Where Did You Go to School?, July 30, 2018
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