Is Polarization Killing Democracy?
According to Yascha Mounk, our guest on this week’s episode of Navigating our World, polarization poses an existential threat to democracy. In a conversation with Brown Advisory’s Jordan Wruble, Dr. Mounk examines the forces he feels are undermining our political systems, and discusses how the coronavirus pandemic might have the potential to bring us closer together.
Yascha Mounk is the author of The People vs. Democracy: Why Democracy Is in Danger & How to Save It, a professor at Johns Hopkins University, and a leading expert on global politics.
Yascha Mounk, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Practice, International Affairs, Johns Hopkins University
Jordan Wruble
Head of Manager Research, Brown Advisory
Background Reading:
No Testing, No Treatment, No Herd Immunity, No Easy Way Out, The Atlantic, April 28, 2020
For the First Time, I'm Doubting My Decision to Come to American, The Atlantic, March 28, 2020
This is Just the Beginning, The Atlantic, March 25, 2020
This is How Democracy Dies, The Atlantic, January 28, 2020
TEDx Talk: How to Save Democracy, October 2017
The People vs. Democracy: Why Democracy Is in Danger & How to Save It
Please visit the Navigating Our World website to listen to our first episode: We've Been Here Before (and Made It Through): A Conversation with Jon Meacham, historian and Pulitzer Prize-winning author.
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