The introduction ....and so it begins
Hello kids and welcome to the preliminary episodes of Motorcycle Men! This episode and the next few that will follow will be the introductory episodes that will give us the opportunity to test the equipment, the blog, the website and basically the whole process. There is not likely to be a lot of motorcycle chit-chat during these first few test episodes but there might be some discussion, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
The website, as you can see, is in the process of being put together and it is indeed a process. Gobs of information and clicking are happening and taking place behind the scenes. Those of you that are doing this and have done this know exactly what I'm talking about.
Right now, there are no audio files for the podcast, there will be in short order or long order depending upon the successes and/or failures that come about. But things are in motion that will make it all happen. It may not evolve into the grand vision that I have but I hope it will come moderately close.
So in the meantime, look to the skies and think warmer weather!!