Your Body's Hidden Hunger Hormone with Ryan Faehnle - Part 2
This is part 2 of “Your Body’s Hidden Hunger Hormone”. Coach Chris and Ryan Faehnle continue their conversation about fat loss. On this episode they discuss the issues that many people are experiencing from sitting too much. Also, Ryan details a pec injury and shares what he has learned through his physical therapy on how to activate stubborn body parts.
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“If you have trouble activating a certain muscle it is possible that you have fat stored in that area.”
-Ryan Faehnle
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Key Highlights:
⇾Discover the problem with sitting to much
⇾Find out tricks to improve stubborn body parts
⇾Understand why weight training is the best way to lose fat
Time Stamps:
1:48 Ryan details his pec injury
5:00 Tricks for people who sit a lot
9:00 Dealing with back pain
10:00 The issue with sitting a lot
11:15 Tricks for dealing with stubborn body parts
16:05 Weight training is the best way to lose fat
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