Chapter 8: "I didn't want to feel like a failure..."


On today's episode, Enasha shares her heartbreaking story of abuse. After enduring virtually all types of abuse from her partner, she was finally able to break free. Enasha also answers the popular question people always tend to ask abuse victims, "Why didn't you just leave". Tune in to this episode as it is not one you want to miss.

If you have found Enasha's story inspiring, you can find her on Instagram @laughlovelive_again. Enasha also works as a behaviour specialist and life coach and uses her skills and experience to help others in similar situations.

If you have a story you want to share, please reach out to me through the website ( Alternatively you can reach me on instagram @connectedbystories

Instagram: @fourrell



If you are ever in this situation and you don't know where to look for help, below are some good resources:

1800RESPECT - 1800 737 732
24 hour national sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling line for any Australian who has experienced, or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault.

Lifeline: 13 11 14
Lifeline has a national number who can help put you in contact with a crisis service in your State. Anyone across Australia experiencing a personal crisis or thinking about suicide can call.

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233

White Ribbon

Domestic Violence


How to Disappear online:

Go ask Rose

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