Episode 33 | Revise and Finish Home Projects
How many projects do you have lying around unfinished? As a realtor, I see firsthand that garages can get lost in unfinished projects. Guest rooms can become junk rooms where unfinished projects get closed behind a door. I have read statistics that more than half of U.S. homeowners have at least one uncompleted home project. Unfinished projects can add stress to your daily life, especially when you see the unfinished pieces lying around every single day and rendering entire spaces and rooms unusable. How do we finish what we have already started and how can we prevent this cycle from happening again? Come geek out with me on Finishing & Revising Home Projects.
If you live in the Portland, Oregon area and you’d like to hire me as your Realtor or for some Home Functionality Coaching, reach out to me at Kristina@spaceandreason.com. The finest compliment I could receive is the confidence of your referral.
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Sources & Reference———————————————-
- 5 Ways to Finish What You Start (and Why You Often Don't) featured in Psychology Today written by Susan Perry PhD
Legal Disclosure: Kristina Browning is a licensed Realtor in the State of Oregon with 503 Properties. "Create a Home that Thrives" and "Home Functionality Coach" are registered Trademarks of Kristina Browning.