Episode 25 | Great Curb Appeal
What makes a property universally beautiful and attractive? What does the outside of your home say about you? I love seeing a home that clearly speaks about the kind of people who designed it, created a polished vibe or helped it evolve. It feels good to be proud of the home you live in and I would love for you to up your curb appeal game to enjoy it WHILE you live there instead of waiting until you are ready to sell to think about it. Come geek out with me on landscaping, porches, color palettes, Adirondack chairs, and mailboxes and check out my Pinterest board on Curb Appeal for inspiration and join us on the Facebook Group page for more images, links, and a deeper dive.
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If you didn’t start listening at Episode 1, I invite you to start from the beginning. There are too many jewels to miss.
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Sources & Reference———————————————-
Legal Disclosure: Kristina Browning is a licensed Realtor in the State of Oregon with 503 Properties. “Home Functionality Coach” and "Create a Home that Thrives" are registered Trademarks of Kristina Browning.