#2119: The Scrape Theory
You're driving down a long hill in San Francisco. Your brakes fail and there's a stop sign at the bottom. What do you do, aside from uttering every prayer in the book? This week on The Best of Car Talk, Tom and Ray offer two suggestions, one of which might actually help avoid a big hospital bill. Elsewhere, Robin loves her Tourismo, even though it needs more than $1000 worth of repairs and it's causing a family rift. Is it time for her to kiss it goodbye? Also, Alex thinks her boyfriend's technique may have led to the premature demise of his Jetta's shifter; Finley needs help convincing his friend to baptize his new truck by hauling some manure; and after losing a lot of money to the IRS, will Ruth have to lose even more to her mechanic because of her Achieva's coolant leak? All this, plus a round of Stump the Chumps, and more--this week on The Best of Car Talk.