477 – Coin Concede “So Long, Sonya”
They say the holidays are always hectic, and that's extending even into the world of Hearthstone! There's a balance patch to discuss, we have a new World Champion, and then we take some time to break down one of the new decks to benefit from the recent nerfs, Discover Hunter!
News – 17:12
- Patch 31.2.2
- Standard Nerfs
- Wild Nerfs
- Buffs
- Arena
- Blizzard end of year review
- PSA about Death Knight runes
- Music from the Tavern
- Final TempoStorm Meta Snapshot
Tournaments – 51:18
- World Championship Recap!
Decksplanations – 1:14:49
- Discover Hunter
- Macro gameplay
- Mulligans and matchups
- Card choices
The Show Notes for this week’s episode are on our Website
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