How To Identify Your Clients Blind Spot To Deliver A Better Buying Experience With Megan Kachigan
Are you finding it difficult to connect with clients in a way that feels genuine and impactful? Building authentic client relationships doesn’t have to be a struggle.
In this Mastering Excellence Series episode, Nikki is joined by special guest Megan Kachigan who shows you how to identify your clients' hidden concerns and deliver a better buying experience that truly resonates.
You learn how to listen deeply and identify the blind spots that may be preventing your clients from fully engaging with you.
We reveal how to ask the right questions, find recurring themes, and turn vulnerability into opportunity so you can offer a message that aligns with your client’s evolving needs and leads to a better buying experience.
This episode teaches you the art of translating your expertise into clear, compelling communication that captures attention and inspires action.
You’ll discover why clarity, authenticity, and vulnerability are the keys to fostering lasting client relationships.
If you're ready to connect with your clients on a deeper level and elevate your sales process, this episode is filled with practical strategies to achieve it.
Megan is a direct-response copywriter and strategist known for driving sold-out launches. She helps purpose-driven coaches, speakers, and service providers boost sales using her 3M Roadmap method.
A Stanford teaching award winner with a Master’s in Education, Megan has helped generate over $1 million in revenue for clients, including Two Comma Club Award winners. Her expertise in marketing strategy, buyer psychology, and data-driven tactics boosts conversions, allowing clients to focus on their strengths while serving their ideal customers.
Outside of copywriting, Megan enjoys the Southern California sunshine and dancing with her family.
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In This Episode:
[02:17] Today we're specifically talking about how to identify your client's blind spot so that you can deliver a better buying experience.
[03:01] Megan has a "done for you" copywriting service. She saves her client's time by creating copy focusing on conversion while bringing out the client's true self.
[04:03] Copywriters are unique and valuable because they understand the mission, ask the right questions, and are able to articulate the right message.
[06:25] Everybody's affected by imposter syndrome. Pointing out your clients talents and building confidence is important.
[07:58] How to identify a client's blind spot. Do your homework and look at your clients website and social media. Really listen and have context for what the client is actually saying.
[10:14] Actively listen for what they're truly saying.
[11:04] A common issue is fear of visibility and putting work out there. Hold space for what comes up even if it's not what you were expecting.
[13:30] Goals for identifying client blind spots. Having a 360 view of the business unlocks what's really trying to be expressed.
[16:03] Recognizing that we all change and evolve and finding the current mission is very important.
[17:15] What's the evidence that you're achieving your goals? The client begins to get fired up, and the marketing no longer feels like a chore. This is how you know you're creating a better buying experience.
[20:40] Writing copy that is clear and easily understandable without dumbing it down and writing for a 5th grader.
[21:29] Megan thinks of herself as more of a translator of expertise.
[23:21] Look for the golden threads. What keeps coming up? What is approached at different angles? Find that blind spot.
[25:08] Paying attention, digging deeper, and finding what truly makes a connection.
[26:03] Megan breaks down when she has enough information to create the content and stop the meeting.
[30:01] We learn about the joy of sitting in the sunshine in Southern California.
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Copywriting For Coaches Podcast