Kula Podcast EP16: Mohamed Hamdhoon, talks about journalism in Maldives and his formula to great writing.
On this episode: -Mohamed Hamdhoon (Managing Editor at @AdhadhuMV, President @mjamaldive. Formerly @haveeru, @mihaarunews. Ex MBR media council. Journalism award winner. B.A, M.A in Journalism. ) An award winning journalist talks about journalism in Maldives. His well researched historical writing has been an inspiration to the community and he speaks in detail about researching for great writing. He also talks about how things goes inside the newsroom.Articles written by Hamdhoon:"އަސްރު ދިޔައީ ގެއްލިގެން": ހިތުގެ ހިމަނާރާ ކުޅެލި!އެކުއެކީ އަވަހާރަވި ސިއްތި އާއި ހާލިދު: އާދަޔާ ޚިލާފު ލޯތްބެއް!ސައިކުރާ ނައީމްގެ "މަންމަ": ކަރުނައިން ލޯ ތެންމާލި، އަސަރުން ހިތް ރޮއްވާލި30 އަހަރު ކުރިން މިއަދު: ޖީލެއް ބިނާކުރެއްވި އުސްތާޒެއްގެ ވަކިވުން!އިބްރާހިމް ދީދީ: ބާރުވެރިކަން، އިންގިލާބު އަދި އަރުވާލުން! Note: This podcast was recorded on 27 Dec 2020, Sorry to all the listern for uploading this episode so late. Intro : Breathe : Ian Post - Artlist Back Music : Gradient : Philip Daniel Zach - Artlist As your host, Nishan a Auraf (can always locate at nishan@millzero visit millzero.com) Language : Dhivehi a English Total Length: 39m 9s Recorded : 27 December 2020