Nicole - A Girl Who Really "Waves The Wands"
Today, I'm talking to a 21 year old girl from Chicago named Nicole who directs air traffic. Now, she doesn't work in a tall control tower, or a dark TRACON/ARTCC radar room, but she knows how to direct aircraft, and how to direct them well. She wears a bright orange 'high vis' vest, and yes, she waves the bright orange wands. She also knows a few things when it comes to customer service, like how to defend yourself against customers throwing water bottles at you, and how to detect passengers who try to sneak handguns onto planes in their handbags. She also explains how pilots have hit on her while she was pushing their planes back from the gate, and what she would do if she had to choose between a pilot or a controller. Ever wonder what type of training goes into being a wand waver? She explains that, too. Join me on this episode as I learn what it's like to be a true wand waver, working on the ramp of a major airline and FBO!