0117: Sex After Pregnancy with Dr. Stephanie Beuhler
Disclaimer: Natasha originally recorded this podcast for her Healing Sols podcast. Natasha has an informative discussion with Dr. Stephanie Buehler, licensed psychologist and AASECT certified sex therapist and author of “Counseling Couples Before, During and After Pregnancy: Sexualy and Intimacy Issues.” You will hear a comprehensive dialogue about the many hiccups couples often encounter after that sweet baby is born. From physcial issues (i.e. painful sex), hormonal implications (i.e. mood swings/postpartum depression), psychological stressors and narratives (i.e. how do I feel about my sexuality as a parent?), gender role expectations (i.e. how am I supposed to be showing up as a mom or dad?), social stressors (i.e. opinions or pressures from well meaning family or friends) and body image frustrations (i.e. will I ever lose that baby fat!?). Having babies are usually a wonderful time in a couple’s life… and yet, wonderful times can still be stressful. Listening will help you prepare for some things you may not currently be aware of as well as give you some ideas as to what you can do to remedy some problems you come across. It can also give you a sense of some things you may need to talk through years after baby making time to get your sex life back on track. Thank you to Jeff Meyers for the intro and Peter a Mary Danzig of Otter Creek Duo for the concluding bumper music. Natasha Helfer, LCMFT, CST, CSTS can be reached at natashahelfer.comand runs an online practice, Symmetry Solutions, which focuses on helping families and individuals with faith concerns, sexuality and mental health. She hosts the Mormon Mental Health and Mormon Sex Info and Healing Sols Podcasts, is the current past president of the Mormon Mental Health Association and runs a sex education program, Sex Talk with Natasha. She has over 20 years of experience working with primarily an LDS/Mormon clientele.