Too Many Demands, Too Little Time: Are We Ready To Adopt a Minimalist Approach to Education?
We're all struggling to manage more demands on our schedules and too little time to give those demands the attention they require. Have we reached the point where we need to take a more minimalist approach to educating our students?
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Tammy Musiowsky-Borneman is an ASCD author, professional learning facilitator, and Head of Teaching & Learning at Kokua Academy in Kona, Hawai’i. She also has experience teaching and leading Singapore, New York City, and Edmonton, Canada. As an active member of ASCD, she stays connected to her Emerging Leader classmates and is the Past-President of the Emerging Leader Alumni Affiliate. Tammy has also written several guest blogs for ASCD digital publications, EdWeek Teacher blog, and Achieve the Core. She writes on topics such as creating minimalism in education, cultures of learning, inclusivity, and student agency.
Christine Arnold is an Australian educator with experience in Australia, Japan, Singapore, Belgium, and The Netherlands. She has worked as a teacher, coach, mentor, co-teacher, coordinator, tutor, and supervisor from early childhood education to adult education. Her dedication to teaching has led her to serve on the board of the Singapore chapter of SENIA, publish educational articles, and present at various international and Australian conferences. Her interests in education include exploring research-based pedagogy and practice, inclusive education, quality early childhood education, inquiry, and promoting well-being for students and colleagues.
Tammy and Christine co-authored the recently published ASCD book, The Minimalist Teacher, as well as other digital publications for ASCD.