Episode 7 Game Consultant; ESL And Corona Virus, Kicked up of appartment and sell to Ubisoft, Israel and Games and Game Consultant Jay Powell
Episode 7 of PodCastGameConsultant.com is live! - From "Getting kicked out of your student appartment" to getting acquired by Ubisoft. Daniel Stammler tells about it. - Gaming in Israel is hot. A conference you should visit is GameISconf.com to get to know the gaming people of Israel. Guy Ben-Dov tells me all about it. - MeetaGreet Events online during (delayed) GDC; Dirk Schmitt, Fedor van Herpen and Jay Powell are organizing events. Reach out to them to find out more. - #IEM Katowice 2020, David Neichel responded on my question 'what to expect for esports events in the near future' - Esports; Cris Reed and Chris Smith I mentioned as people to watch when you want to learn more about esports. Both have online video-casts on Linkedin. Super interesting to watch and follow. - What is a Game Consultant? Jay Powell did answer me some questions. You can notice that he has been around, 20+ years, in this gaming business. Companies to watch; - Doki Tops of Utomik.com - Itamar Benedy of Anzu.io - Carry1st.com of Cordel Coker #esports #podcast #game #consultant #games # industry #gdc #2020 #conference #podcastgameconsultant #business #work #office #success #quotes #inspiration #entrepreneur #life #love #happy #HR #jobs #marketing #sales #leadership #tips #influencer #successful #worklife #officelife #positivepsychology #innovation #selfhelp #projectmanagementsoftware #workingathome #livethelittlethings #thehappynow #fromwhereistand #lifeisgood #smile #wahm #mompreneur #entrepreneur #entrepreneurs #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurlife #smallbusiness #socialmedia #socialmediamarketing #womens #womeninbusiness #network #networking #networkmarketing #success #goals #wintertime #beyourself