Friends til the End
ALERT: Scream, Queen! contains hella spoilers! Well HELLO, back for more I see. Glutton for punishment much? Not gonna lie, kind of a sexy look on u lol NE WAYZ This week our Act I is the debut of our segment “Have Yall Seen” with Drea, and we discuss the late 80s opus about open yard holes: The Gate. Act II, our main discussion topic, is boot or reboot: Child’s Play. Is the reboot worthy? Does it redeem the movie’s complicated relationship to blackness? Will Drea come to the studio dressed as Chucky as she’s done for several different Halloweens? All in good time, friends. All in good time. And our Act III scream queen this week is Octavia Spencer’s character in Ma, bc men are in fact dogs, and DON’T MAKE ME DRINK ALONE is a catchphrase for the gawds. Produced by Domino Sound @dominosound Theme music by Doc Allison @docisgood Hoe-sted by Drea Washington and Tommy Pico @heygrlhey @heyteebs @screamqueenpodcast