How to Raise $100k to Start a Vertical Farm With Khaled Majouji
Today's episode is a long-form interview with my friend Khaled Majouji (Instagram). I met him on Instagram a while ago and have followed his journey ever since. He raised over $100k to start a vertical urban farm in Canada that's super inventive and interesting. In this episode, we get DEEP and talk about: How he got into gardening How he built up his following and raised $100k to start his farm His approach to farming and progress so far How he differentiates himself from other farmers in his area How he sees the future of food and farming How to break out on your own despite the pressure from family and friends It's a long, meaty episode and I truly hope you enjoy it. Please let me know if you like episodes like this one and I'll do more in the future. Keep growing, Kevin Epic Gardening