Movie News And Entertainment: 'Star Trek Beyond' Surprise Cameo, A Lost Boys Sequel and New Chance To See Bruce Willis Be Bruce Willis
When it comes to Geekly Download, movie news is big around here. Who among us doesn't want the scoop on everything!? Thankfully, with all the projects and rumors concerning entertainment, it's easy for us to get our fix. That means a steady diet of news and info for you, as well! A 'Lost Boys' Sequel? Now, before you start shouting "Can't they just leave great movies alone!?" and cursing yet another sequel, give this one a chance. This new Lost Boys project is not even close to what you're thinking. Oooooh, did we just pique your interest? Yeah, we thought so. Get Ready For A Surprise In 'Star Trek Beyond' Don't you just love when you are settling into watch a long-awaited film and you see someone you're not expecting? Well, get ready. Because one cameo in 'Star Trek Beyond' will make you do a double take. Radnor will shed a little light without breaking the prime directive. Just What You'd Expect From Ole' Bruce Do you like action movies as much as we do? And who better for a shoot-em'-up-blow-em'-up than everyone's favorite? You better believe that he's got another good thing lined up, sure to make us love him more. Radnor has all the details on the latest Willis movie. We've got Alien, Wonder Woman, Predator movie news and other stuff, too....all of this today on Geekly Download! Download Episode Here!