9: Profit from the Core
This is the next podcast for the power sector corporate strategy study we will soon release as part of our Executive Program.
In this study we are hypothesizing that the core of the company has shifted and the company therefore needs to change to profit from the core business. This is common problem for many companies. Yet, dealing with it is very difficult.
When a company is built for a core that has changed, history teaches us that they will suffer and likely fail. Think of Yahoo, HP etc. Think of Google right now as the internet shifts from desktops to mobile and from mobile to apps. All businesses perfectly designed for a core business that no longer exists fail if they don’t pivot to a new model. We are basically trying to help this client undertake a change which is very difficult to execute.
That makes the study both exciting and daunting.
If you want to understand this concept of profiting from the core in more detail, we recommend one seminal book and HBR article to read.
We discuss the challenges of helping the client shift to find profit from the core business, grow in that core and find logical adjacencies. Fundamentally, this comes down to understanding their main clients, competitive advantage, capabilities and core offerings.
Michael Boricki