Ep 66: The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide - Risks, Micro-Dosing, Ibogaine, and More
DISCLAIMER: DO NOT CONSUME ANY DRUGS WITHOUT CONSULTING A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. THIS IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.JAMES FADIMAN, Ph.D., did his undergraduate work at Harvard and his graduate work at Stanford, doing research with the Harvard Group, the West Coast Research Group in Menlo Park, and Ken Kesey. He is the author of The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide.Called “America’s wisest and most respected authority on psychedelics and their use,” Jim Fadiman has been involved with psychedelic research since the 1960s. In this episode, we discuss the immediate and long-term effects of psychedelics when used for spiritual purposes (high dose), therapeutic purposes (moderate dose), and problem-solving purposes (low dose). Fadiman outlines best practices for safe "entheogenic" voyages learned through his more than 40 years of experience--from the benefits of having a sensitive guide during a session (and how to be one) to the importance of the setting and pre-session intention. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.We also discuss new uses for LSD and other psychedelics, including extremely low doses for improved cognitive function. Cautioning that psychedelics are not for everyone, he dispels the myths and misperceptions about psychedelics, which are commonly circulated in textbooks. Fadiman explain how -- in his opinion -- psychedelics, used properly, can lead not only to healing but also to scientific breakthroughs and spiritual epiphanies.Show notes and links for this episode can be found at www.fourhourworkweek.com/podcast *** If you enjoy the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests. I also love reading the reviews! For show notes and past guests, please visit tim.blog/podcast. Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (“5-Bullet Friday”) at tim.blog/friday. For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts. Interested in sponsoring the podcast? Visit tim.blog/sponsor and fill out the form. Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books. Follow Tim: Twitter: twitter.com/tferriss Instagram: instagram.com/timferriss Facebook: facebook.com/timferriss YouTube: youtube.com/timferriss