Reckless Infatuation
Why do we do this? Cultural pressure. THINKING it’s what we want even if we’re not ready. What makes us recklessly infatuated? Physical chemistry. Run from an immediate panty-dropper! There’s usually a painful soul lesson!! Or what the hell? Show up, feel the pain, and LEARN FROM IT! Claire references her last reckless infatuation 5 years ago. NOT HIS FAULT. It was HER idea of what she wanted out of the relationship and was BLINDED by the physical chemistry off the bat. GET CLEAR ON WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR WITH ANYONE YOU’RE DATING. It doesn’t matter how old you are! Obviously, don't be aggressive about your relationship goals and future right off the bat, but be direct and own what you’re looking for without apology. Ask the right questions! LISTEN to him. Pay attention to his actions. Manifesting a partner is DIFFERENT. That’s YOUR business in YOUR brain. Totally have fun visualizing and tapping into how you would think, feel, and behave with your ideal partner, and think about the woman you need to become to attract this high quality man, (not change to win him over, but grow to attract each other at both of your highest vibrational states!) The WORK WORKS. Claire then references a more recent dating situation last year… She started to really like him, he liked her. Great chemistry, sense of humor, a lot in common until he said, I want to keep doing what we’re doing but I don’t want to date you. Disappointing? Yes. But clear as day that walking away was the RIGHT CHOICE. She wasn’t attached to some fantasy about a future. Was Claire hurt? Yes. But there was no false fantasy she was mourning in the end. If she was RECKLESSLY INFATUATED she would have continued on his terms bc it felt like dating anyway! SO HOW DO YOU SHOW UP IN YOUR DATING LIFE WITHOUT GETTING CARRIED AWAY? TAKE YOUR TIME GETTING TO KNOW SOMEONE! Is he really SEEING YOU? Does he want the same things as you? Are his words lining up with his actions? Are you letting drinking hinder your perception of the connection you have? Making greater meaning out of an exchange of words because of alcohol? EVERYONE SHOULD READ ATOMIC HABITS by James Clear Where else are you not as present in your dating life? If your current result is NO PARTNER, how are you thinking, feeling and behaving in your dating life? Claire is currently looking at her own relationship with alcohol and reflecting on how it has NOT served her dating life, and will be expanding on this topic in future episodes as she embarks on a MODERATE drinking journey vs identifying as a REGULAR drinker. Always new stones to uncover in this personal growth work to keep expanding and THRIVING!!!