All I Want is for Him to Come Back
Feel the fear and resistance of trying my approach Your brain is way more comfortable longing for him, but if you stay open to my tools this will for sure help you STOP wanting him back. Totally normal to NOT want to hear that you’ve dodged a bullet or want to punch someone when they say “this might be the best thing that ever happened to you!” when you’re in the thick of your pain. I was there! But I pushed healing opportunities away because I was more attached to my victim story than my heroine story. You’re ready when you’re ready BUT being on the other side of it, I strongly encourage you to stay open to these tools. My healing path unfolded the way it did at the perfect time, but if you’re interested in healing a lot quicker, try what I’m offering if you want to stop wanting him back, Trust that what I’m offering here works—it’s a practice, and a COMMITMENT to start believing that you don’t need him or ANY man to feel better. WANTING HIM TO COME BACK is a THOUGHT. PAIN ISN’T A BAD THING. It’s a PART OF THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE. Think of other things you THOUGHT you wanted but now no longer do… Like all the other dudes you’re now over. THEY didn’t change. Your THINKING about them did. Time, space, or some guy replacing isn’t the answer! THOUGHTS AREN’T FACTS! Thoughts CREATE results. If you want different results – think DIFFERENT thoughts. When you think ALL I WANT IS FOR HIM TO COME BACK… you FEEL sad, anxious, rejected. Then your ACTION from that FEELING place causes you to stalk his social media and let him consume your mind and aren’t PRESENT in the other areas of your life, and then your RESULT is that YOU STILL WANT HIM BACK. OF COURSE we want to allow for time to grieve when we lose someone we love and you should CONSCIOUSLY grieve. Cry it out, lean on loved ones, talk to a trusted professional. But then you have a CHOICE to decide if you want to indulge the pain or COMMIT to move forward with SHIFTING YOUR THINKING. If the RESULT you want is to STOP wanting him back then you have to STOP THINKING that you DO! “I can’t help it” doesn’t cut it! DECIDE you want to change. Him not coming back isn’t causing pain. Your THOUGHTS about him not coming back are causing pain. How do you WANT TO FEEL about him being gone? WHEN YOU ARGUE WITH REALITY, YOU SUFFER. –Byron Katie BETTER-FEELING THOUGHTS about your NEUTRAL CIRCUMSTANCE that he’s not coming back His behavior says a lot more about HIM, than it does about me. I’m a REALLY good partner—not perfect, but I’m proud of how I showed up. I’m willing to take responsibility for my part, without shaming myself but loving myself even more, when I MOST need it. My person is out there! I’m worthy of a healthy relationship where unconditional love is reciprocated I will love myself whole-heartedly on my search for love. ACTION Thoughtwork every day around circumstances my mind wants to create drama around Quit social media stalking. HOW BADLY DO YOU WANT TO MAKE THE CHANGE? MAKE TIME! It’s uncomfortable stopping social media stalking but if you’re mission is to get over him you have to start thinking and feeling like the woman who has already moved on! Commitment to getting over him has to be stronger than your commitment to keeping tabs of him!