The Bachelor S:21 | Christen Whitney Guests on Episodes 10 a 11 | AfterBuzz TV AfterShow

AFTERBUZZ TV – The Bachelor edition, is a weekly “after show” for fans of ABC’s The Bachelor. In this show, hosts Danny Hoyt, Brooks Forester, Chelsea Briche and special guest Christen Whitney discuss episodes 10 and 11. The series revolves around a wealthy bachelor courted by 25 women. The bachelor eventually selects one of the group to continue their romance. The show begins with a series of group dates, after which female contestants are eliminated until only a handful remain. At this point the contestants begin to go out on individual dates with the bachelor, which, for contestants not eliminated, culminate in overnight dates and meetings between the bachelor and bachelorettes' families. The program is a roller coaster ride of emotions for both the Bachelor and the women. The Bachelor gives a behind-the-scenes look into the lives of each person involved in this unique dating process. At the end of the show, the bachelor will have to pick one lady to be his future wif

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