Don’t Be Afraid To Protect Your Ideas
Intellectual property theft has long been a problem in our community, specifically when it comes to Black women. As today’s guest explains, no one is going to vouch for your work and worth like you. If you want to be a true boss you must first understand the value of protecting what you create. Host, Marquita Harris (@marquita_harris_) talks with Lisa Davis, Esq., a seasoned entertainment lawyer with clients like legendary rap group, Public Enemy and Black author extraordinaire, Terry McMillan. Davis is clear that time has been up for Black people being cheated out of our intellectual property and is on a 20+ year mission to ensure that we see the wealth and dividends of our creative process instead of making others wealthy due to our own ignorance of the process and pitfalls. Use #UnBossedPodcast to share your thoughts and even your experiences with knowing your value and protecting your IP! Don't forget to rate, comment, and subscribe! UnBossed Host: Marquita Harris (@marquita_harris_) Executive Producer: Tiffany Ashitey (@misstiffsays) Producers: Ashley Hobbs (@ashleylatruly) + Shantel Holder (@shadesofshan_) Bookings: Ashley Hobbs, Marquita Harris, Tiffany Ashitey Audio: Anthony Frasier (@anthonyfrasier) + Josh Gwynn (@regardingjosh) Music: Gold Standard Creative (@gscdotnyc)