Being A Boss Means Learning To Build...From The Ground Up
Do you consume more than you create? Are you being interrupted by technology or are you utilizing it to disrupt unviable systems? How do you ensure that you get a healthy slice of the pie no matter what industry you’re in? On this episode of UnBossed, serial entrepreneur and social change agent, Sevetri Wilson (@sevetriwilson), offers insight into how she built her businesses: Solid Ground Innovations (SGI) and Resilia - a New Orleans-based technology startup, and how you can begin to think more like a builder and less like a consumer. Having bootstrapped her first business with no capital and becoming the first Black woman in New Orleans to raise over $1,000,000 in venture capital, Wilson’s career is a masterclass in growing healthy businesses from the ground up using the bricks and mortar of hard work, grit, and passion for social change. Use #UnBossedPodcast to tell us what you learned from this episode and follow host, Marquita Harris (IG: @marquita_harris_). UnBossed Host: Marquita Harris (@marquita_harris_) Executive Producer: Tiffany Ashitey (@misstiffsays) Producers: Ashley Hobbs (@ashleylatruly) + Shantel Holder (@shadesofshan_) Bookings: Ashley Hobbs, Marquita Harris, Tiffany Ashitey Audio: Anthony Frasier (@anthonyfrasier) + Josh Gwynn (@regardingjosh) Music: Gold Standard Creative (@gscdotnyc)