My story: Former obsessions and my secret superpower

Have you ever listened to a podcast host and wondered, “I wonder why she’s doing this? What’s her story?” In today’s episode, I give you a little backstory into why I’m passionate about communicating balanced health. I’ll also share why I’m unapologetic in allowing a little chocolate, chips, and even wine into my diet. Meet me in this episode then find me on Instagram (@gracedhealth) or Facebook (Graced Health or and tell me yours!Make sure to head over to and enter your email to receive show notes with workouts, recipes, and other good stuff - right to your inbox!Do you ever feel shame because you’re not following all the so-called ‘rules’ of healthy living? Would you like to break some of these rules? My new free download combats several health rules we've heard and gives you a bonus rule to keep. Get yours at Discover the joy of empowering and loving your body.Live a life of balance, freedom, and grace by breaking the “rules” and reframing the way you think about your health.Receive my family's favorite on-the-go breakfasts, a printable 14-day health and body image devotional, and a 5-minute Wake Up and Warm Up Video when you sign up to be notified of Your Worthy Body's release. Sign up at

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