Dr. Willie Jolley: The Ultimate Do More, Be More and Achieve More Secret
While I was attending the Internet Sales 20 Group in Atlantic City a few weeks ago, I had the incredible privilege of listening to, and eventually interviewing Dr. Willie Jolley. While I do admit to not knowing who he was previous to the conference, I was completely blown away by his message; something that resonated deep within me. He spoke about how to do more, be more and achieve more. After his keynote address at the conference, I had to go and shake his hand and express appreciation for the message he shared. It was refreshing and motivating; something that I think we need to hear more of in the auto industry. I asked him if he’d be willing to join me for an interview and without hesitation, he agreed. If you still haven’t “Googled” him, here is a brief introduction: Dr. Willie Jolley is an international motivational speaker who has been named as one of the top 5 outstanding speakers in the world, alongside heavyweights like Margaret Thatcher and Nelson Mandela. He has written 4 best-selling books which I think you should definitely check out: A Setback is a Setup for a Comeback An Attitude of Excellence It Only Takes A Minute to Change Your Life Turn Setbacks into Greenbacks In addition to his outstanding books, Dr. Willie Jolley is credited as the reason that the Ford Motor Company never accepted a government bailout. After reading his book, “A Setback is a Setup for a Comeback”, Alan Mulally, Ford CEO, hired Dr. Jolley to come and help them scale the business, refine process and help Ford’s employees build their dreams. In this episode you’ll learn more about: How doing something ridiculous may just be what’s needed to advance and conquer How to get started when setting out on your success journey How to look at your current situation differently and capitalize on the assets and opportunities available to you right now We have a connection to Dr. Willie Jolley now and we know he’d love hearing your feedback and questions. Hit us up in the comments below and as always, thank you for listening to The Dealer Playbook.