180: Why Gyms Fail: 2 Reasons Your Payroll Is Too High and 4 Ways To Fix It! | The GSD Show
Do you know your quota expectations and hold your people accountable? Or are you just playing the game but not keeping score? Matt breaks down 2 reasons your gym’s payroll costs are too high... - You’re keeping underperformers on your team :17 - You’re not implementing enough training and accountability 1:14 ...and 4 ways to even the playing field: - Set your budget and stick to it 3:54 - What you need to review every month 4:42 - How to consolidate payroll costs 5:48 - Watch to the end to learn what YOU need to do, as the leader of your team! 6:43 Learn more about how to increase revenue by making YOUR goals, your TEAM’s goals!