Luna Corp - Day 02
Welcome to Facing Fate. Luna Corp; Day 02 Aboard the Luna Corporation Moon base, we find our protagonists, Dr. Julianna Dove Joiner, Rania Samouth and Oskar Bloom dealing with the events of an incident where 2 harvest truck operators contracted some form of unknown biological illness. Content Warning: Coarse Language, Frightening and Gory Scenes *********** Become a supporter of Dumb Dragons Productions to be the first to hear Season 02 - beginning soon on Patreon. Credits: Game Master - Russ More Players - Tom Laird, Carla Maxted, Amy More Music: Theme music by Eli McIlveen Other Music by Kevin McLeod Cover Art by Kessi Riliniki Game System: Fate CORE *********** Find and support our sponsors at: *********** email - discord - Twitter - Facebook - Facing Fate is a Dumb Dragons Production © 2019