Mechinations 106 - Pasta Daughter (Giant Robo Ep. 5 Discussion)
It's almost Father's Day which means it's the perfect time to cover Ep. 5 of Giant Robo, an episode packed to the gills with bad dads and rad dads and everywhere in between. In fact, probably mostly in between. Stephen Hero pushes his Professor Stop agenda, pmc considers why Vogler named his daughter after pasta, and Ignis admires the majestic 'Rrrrocket Punch'! Ep. 2 Discussion: 26:50 Intro Disc: Ignis Madax (X-Men, X of Swords) Thanks to @fretzl for the intro/outro music Thanks to @JJostar23 for the art Tweet us @MechinationsPod or write to us Mechinations is co-hosted by Ignis Madax (@IgnisMadax), Stephen Hero (@_stephen_hero), and pmcTRILOGY (@pmcTRILOGY) --- Support this podcast: