#117 - Losing The Last 5 Pounds, Training Around Injuries, Prioritizing Specific Goals, Stress Gut, and More!
To learn more and apply to work one-on-one with Rachel, visit her website: https://www.metflexlife.com/ Join Rachel’s weekly newsletter: https://www.metflexlife.com/newsletter In this episode, Rachel chats about stubborn body fat areas, how to persevere through workouts while healing an injury, prioritizing your training schedule around your goals, overtraining, stress gut, and more! “If you've been so focused on just losing body fat, and you haven't spent a good amount of time actually focused on building muscle...then you're not going to look how you want to look when you do lose that body fat.” Rachel Gregory Today’s Questions: If I’m cutting, how do I know if I’m under-muscled or have not cut far enough? I hurt my shoulder. Do I rest my arms or work around it? Recovery may take a while. Should strength training be completed before a walk/hike? Or does order not matter? Have you heard of stress gut? Can too much training cause GERD or other problems? Top Takeaways: Two components to invest your mindset in for the areas that seem to be the last areas to lose body fat Lower body movements that might work with minimal shoulder involvement to train while avoiding an injury Concentric vs. eccentric training benefits When it might be beneficial to add a greens supplement Show Notes: [0:00] Welcome back to MetFlex and Chill! Today’s QaA episode is answering questions from IG and The Friday Flex. If you haven’t signed up for The Friday Flex yet and are interested... sign up at www.metflexlife.com/newsletter [0:30] Question: If I’m cutting, how do I know if I’m under-muscled or have not cut far enough? [1:30] “If you've been so focused on just losing body fat, losing weight, all of that and you haven't spent a good amount of time actually focused on building muscle, then you're not going to look how you want to look when you do lose that body fat.” [5:00] If you’re interested in one-on-one coaching with Rachel go to www.metflexlife.com/apply [6:00] Two key components to focus on during a fat loss phase [6:30] Episode 104: 8-Month Building Phase Results a Plan For Next Cut [7:00] “The time that it takes to lose body fat is actually a lot less time than it takes to put on muscle mass.” [8:30] Question: I hurt my shoulder. Do I rest my arms or work around it? Recovery may take a while. [10:00] Lower body movements that might work when recovering from an upper-body injury [11:00] Safety bar for squats [13:00] What is cross-education or the cross-training effect? [14:00] Contralateral effects of eccentric resistance training on immobilized arm, Cross education: possible mechanisms for the contralateral effects of unilateral resistance training [16:00] Concentric vs. eccentric training benefits [17:00] “The biggest thing is to focus on what you can do, not what you can't do.” [18:00] Question: Should strength training be completed before a walk/hike? Or does order not matter? [18:30] Hiking vs. walking is very different in terms of exertion [21:30] If your goal is to build muscle, do that first. If your goal is to get better at walking or hiking, do that first. ;) [22:00] Question: What do you think of using a super greens supplement in a smoothie? [24:30] Check out Organifi by going to www.organifi.com/metflex and use code METFLEX for 15% off any of their products [26:00] Question: Have you ever heard of stress gut? Can too much training cause GERD or other problems? [30:30] Your body is smart and it will do what it needs to do to get you out of the stressful situation [34:00] Importance of paying attention to when your fueling pre and post-workout [36:00] The anabolic window [40:30] If you haven’t signed up for The Friday Flex yet and are interested, sign up at www.metflexlife.com/newsletter. Rachel shares tips, recipes, exercises, and more each Friday! THINGS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Episode 107: Fasting a Muscle Preservation, Early Morning Training, How To Build Your Pre a Post-Workout Meals Episode 52: Most Common Causes of Bloating, Intermittent Fasting vs. Time Restricted Feeding, and Training While Fasted Episode 85: All Things GUT HEALTH with Sam Miller --- Join the FREE MetFLex Life Course: www.metflexandchill.com Rachel Gregory (@rachelgregory.cns) is a Board-Certified Nutrition Specialist, Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and Author of the best-selling book, 21-Day Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss Challenge. She received her Master’s Degree in Nutrition a Exercise Physiology from James Madison University and Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Medicine from the University of Miami. Rachel helps her clients transform their lives by starting with the physical (body), realizing the power of the mental (mindset), and ultimately gaining massive confidence that bleeds into every aspect of their lives (family, relationships, work, etc.).