04 - Intro to Diaphyseal Femur Fractures w/ Dr. Bernstein
Listen to our episode on the introduction to diaphyseal femur fractures as Dr. Bernstein gives us an excellent overview!
Link to post and show notes: www.naileditortho.com/femurbasics
Dr. Bernstein is an assistant professor at McHill University. He did his medical school at Chicago Medical school, residency at McGill University, and two fellowships. One in orthopaedic traumatology at harborview medical center and a fellowship in limb lengthening and complex extremity reconstruction at the Hospital for Special Surgery.
Goal of episode: To get a basic understanding of diaphyseal femur fractures, the management and treatment.
We cover:
- History and PE findings
- Radiographic Imaging
- Non-op treatment
- Operative treatment
- Implant starting points and approach
- Click here to listen on I-tunes
- Click here to listen on Android
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Dr. Fitts and Dr. Cole are orthopaedic surgery residents and the hosts of the NailedIt Ortho podcast.