The 'ludicrous' coronavirus certificate your boss wants
Proving you have coronavirus is easy. You get a test, and it comes back positive. But what if your boss or school asks you to prove you DON'T have it? According to the professional body for GPs, some employers and schools are asking people to provide a medical certificate showing they're clear of coronavirus. So why is a certificate proving you're COVID-19 negative impossible and a waste of time? On today's show: * Why employers and schools should stop asking for COVID-19 clearance certificates * Do researchers know why some people are asymptomatic? Is the virus only mild in these people, or can it be severe and they still show no symptoms? * Is SARS-CoV-2 the only virus where people are asymptomatic? * I have woken up with a sore throat and headache but am too scared to get tested. What should I do?