Sample: Cyber Space ft. David Sanger
In this sample of the Cyber Space podcast, David Sanger, the Chief Washington Correspondent for The New York Times, speaks with John Carlin about the controversy surrounding ransomware payment laws. In the full episode, Sanger also discusses the optimal governmental response to ransomware and other cyber threats, and the new HBO documentary based on Sanger’s book, “The Perfect Weapon.” Cyber Space is the newest podcast for members of CAFE Insider. Every other Friday, Carlin, who led the Justice Department’s National Security Division, explores issues at the intersection of technology, policy, and law with leaders who’ve made an impact in the world of cybersecurity. To listen to the full episode and get access to all exclusive CAFE Insider content, try the membership free for 2 weeks: Sign up to receive a free weekly newsletter, featuring analysis by Elie Honig, and more: Cyber Space is produced by CAFE Studios. Executive Producer: Tamara Sepper; Senior Editorial Producer: Adam Waller; Audio Producer: Nat Weiner; Editorial Producers: Noa Azulai, Sam Ozer-Staton. Cyber Space is produced in association with Brooklyn Law School’s BLIP clinic. Special thanks to Amanda Kadish, Isabel Agosto, Jordan Khorshad, and Motty Rivki. See for privacy information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit