Maria Torres’ journey in pageantry begun when her mother entered her in a pageant without her permission. It didn’t take long for Maria to catch the pageant bug. Fast forward to today and she is the CEO of Galaxy Pageants, hosting delegates from all around the world: Australia, New Zealand, India, the UK and of course the US. Maria is also the first Pageant Director I’ve interviewed for The Pageant Project and, given how many people tuned in for the live and left messages of love and respect, I feel it was a solid choice! TIMESTAMPS · 1:41 Maria’s start in pageantry · 6:35 Journey to Galaxy CEO · 10:45 Respect and love as a Director · 14:30 Legacy – single mothers and more · 17:08 Best part about being an international Director (Scottish accents) · 19:40 Pork roast, rice and beans · 24:06 Favourite pageant memory · 28:03 Advice for prospective Galaxy queens · 35:45 The most difficult part of being a Director · 39:03 Vision for Galaxy in ten years · 40:12 What are prelims and why are they necessary? · 44:56 Advice for new Directors · 45:33 Advice for those new to pageants · 47:24 Tips for first-time Galaxy contestants · 48:49 Advice for dealing with pageantry stereotypes · 50:16 What makes Galaxy stand out from other systems? · 53:16 Runway tips – what NOT to do · 54:41 Ten questions with Maria Torres · 59:56 How are judges chosen? WHAT TO DO NEXT Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for more pageant-related content! FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL · https://www.instagram.com/thepageantproject/ · https://www.facebook.com/thepageantproject/ INTERVIEW/COLLAB REQUESTS · https://www.thepageantproject.com/content-lounge/#interview-request FOLLOW MARIA · https://www.instagram.com/missgalaxypageant/ · https://www.facebook.com/GalaxyPageant/