Mac OS Ken: 05.28.2010
Munster Says WWDC Keynote Likely a Non-Event for Investors / Boy Genius Report Hears Another iPhone in June Rumor/Report / Early Thursday Rumor That Ballmer to Speak at WWDC Jobsnote / Late Thursday Message From Microsoft That Ballmer Not Speaking at WWDC / JP Morgan Analysts See Big International Growth for Apple in Mid-Range PCs / Apple Calls Itself Saddened and Upset by String of Apparent Foxconn Suicides / HP and Dell to Support Apple Investigation of Foxconn Working Conditions / On Heels of PR Push Comes Another Suicide at Foxconn / Apple Opening Three New Retail Locations This Weekend / Three Becomes Fourth UK Carrier to Offer Data Plans for 3G iPad / SAI Looks at the Differences Between iPhones and iPads in Apps / Barnes and Noble Launches eReader App for iPad / Amazon CEO Not Interested in Making Kindle More Like iPad / NPD Data Puts Apple Further Ahead as Number One Music Seller in US / Apple Seeds New Build of Snow Leopard Update to Developers / Apple Sued Over Use of iAd Term / NYT Says Apple Overtakes Microsoft = Consumers Overtake Business